I bought something I didn’t need.

I went on a wild op shopping adventure through the ‘posher’ suburbs of Melbourne today, hosted by a friend who knows the area well. When I say “wild” I guess what I really mean is “whirlwind” because it didn’t end with us drinking tequila shots or buying ridiculous taffeta ball gowns. I think those days are over for me. At the end of the day we came home to our beautiful daughters, not a bad trade off.

I was pretty sensible today. I focused on stuff I needed (clothes for work and clothes for Little Fearse in size 2). I managed to find something from my list – a three photo frame – still in its packaging. I got Little Fearse a lovely stuffed Peter Rabbit for Easter. Apparently we are the kind of family who gives Easter gifts. I don’t think we were going to be that kind of family until toady when I went rabbit crazy at the op shop.

So, I was going along nicely buying things we needed or kind of needed or sort of needed and then I came across this…


Now, I expect you to be underwhelmed by this fruit bowl. I’m clearly some kind of tin weasel peckerwood looney because when I showed this to my friend and to BP they both made the same ‘meeehrgh’ sound. I think it’s sensational. All glassy and flowery and ready for my fruit. And it sure beats the very blah modern green ceramic bowl I currently have. I dig this fruit bowl. I’m going to see this fruit bowl first thing in the morning and feel satisfied.

See,I knew I’d never make it as a minimalist. Stuff makes me feel things.

All glassy eyed with consumerist goo,

Mama xoxo

PS Yeah, I’m categorising this as art. What you going to do about it?